Bolyst Målselv
Do you live in Målselv or are you considering moving here?
Find information about housing, employment, and leisure in the land of opportunities, Målselv
Find information about housing, employment, and leisure in the land of opportunities, Målselv
Here, we live with approximately 6,900 residents surrounded by wild and beautiful nature.
We have several charming villages in Målselv and a center in Bardufoss.
In Målselv, life is said to be good.
Our slogan is 'The Land of Opportunities, Målselv.' You are very welcome!
We have several charming villages in Målselv and a center in Bardufoss.
In Målselv, life is said to be good.
Our slogan is 'The Land of Opportunities, Målselv.' You are very welcome!
Activities in Målselv
Here you will find information about various activities available in Målselv.
Målselv is a geographically large municipality, and we live scattered across many villages. Much of everyday life is connected to the village you reside in, while there are also many shared arenas for everyone in Målselv—whether it's work, leisure activities, or utilizing the entire Målselv area as a hiking terrain. Målselv municipality is located in Midt-Troms, bordered by Senja, Balsfjord, Storfjord, Bardu, and Sørreisa